In for the win with 2 new swims
After last week's excitement at the 2 nice chub we caught, we decided to try again this week come hell or high water. High water it was. It has been raining all week and we chanced a trip down this morning and thankfully the river was just about perfect, nice bit of colour and about a foot of extra water. Most of the swims now had features and fishable areas, that last week would have been useless to even try. I had purchased some new floats and some bigger hooks as I had been struggling to see my stick floats at distance and we wanted to catch some more chub if we could. I met Damon at Millingtons fishing tackle at 9am and we just got half a pint of maggots and set off. I had all intention of trying some bread flake but I forgot to take the bread! We parked up and there was no other cars which is a good sign as it means the dog walkers were not out yet. Having forgot the bread, I decided to go for a size 10 drennan specimen hook and fish a bunch of maggots instead straight...